Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

Even some Asian girls dye their hair blonde. Some brunette Caucasian girls dye their hair blonde as well... I don't find it very attractive, why can't they just stay with their natural hair color? Natural blondes are gorgeous though. My friend said that in Europe, more men are likely to approach a hot blonde over a hot brunette. So is it to stand out to men or something? I was attracted to a brunette girl but she dyed her hair blonde and I liked her previous hair better. =(

Thank you for reading.

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

i hate it too! all my friends are now blondes. i think that they do it because apperently boys think its"sexy". they think they'll get more attention.

i'm a brunette and proud to be one!!!!

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

Because some people aren't all blessed with "brunette"hair they have a bit of both and hate it because they want it to be one plain simple color! Report It

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

Because women know that a lot of men prefer blondes. There's also the saying that blondes have more fun. Who really knows?

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

i totally agree my friend has dark brown hair and she once dyed atempted to dye it blnde at home it turned orange

not a good look

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

i think its because people find it eye catching, and some girls just like the color. what ever floats your boat i guess. i dont see anything wrong with girls wanting to change their hair.

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

Cause they are idiots

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

I know what you are talking about. It really annoys me that people make fun of blonds, but not fake blonds. I don't know why women dye their hair anyway it just kills your hair....

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

Because BARBIE (the doll) the epitome of a perfect woman... is BLONDE!!

This is also where the popular term "plastics" comes from, which is a designation given to the group of "perfect" (hot and sexy) looking girls in a high school.

Why is plastic surgery so popular? the same reason- image.

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?


a lot of girls dye their hair blonde because they want to stand out. My friend once said, if she see's a group of blonde girls she feels ugly and she doesn't stand out. But you should ask yourself this question, if you saw a blonde and a brunette walking down the street, who would you look at first?

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

lol, u just anwered ur own question....."My friend said that in Europe, more men are likely to approach a hot blonde over a hot brunette."

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

Because they are probably airheads. Dying thier hair blonde just makes it official and people won't make as much fun of them. ;%26gt;)

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

have you ever heard the saying blondes have more fun.well it's true they do and blondes are more fun in my opinion.

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

Some of it is self image. They think they look better or that they can act differently if their hair is different. At the end of the day it is all the same in the dark, blond or brunette, red, or streaked. Getting it is all that matters, hair color is a non issue.

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

plain and simple?

originality is never enough nowadays.

everyone wants everything that is fake %26amp; unnatural.

some go for it %26amp; some don't.

Why do some girls dye their hair blonde?

DUH- Blondes are hotter!!!

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