Tuesday, November 3, 2009

African- American Hair?

I am a black girl and i have fine straight natural hair and my hair grows fast and people always ask me if it's my hair. And i'm not light skined why do people think that black girls can't grow there hair. when you see a black girl with long hair that's her's what do u think.

African- American Hair?

Dont let people get to you about things like that. I'm black and I can say that most black people dont have that type of hair so you can see why people would think that it's not yours. As long as it looks good on you and your happy with it. Forget them! It dosent bother me what kind of hair someone else has. If I went around caring about things like that I wouldnt be able to focus on the important things in life.

African- American Hair?

u asked this already and got some good answers go check em out! good luck!

African- American Hair?

i think ur very lucky!!! my hair is very hard to work with and i always have to blowdry it to get it straight. I think u should be very proud of ur hair since many of us really have a hard time with it.

African- American Hair?

Many people aren't around enough blacks to know that their hair comes in many textures and lengths. Who cares what people think ? Rock your style with pride, check 'em and move on !!

African- American Hair?

I know exactly what you mean. I am a black female also and my hair grows quickly and is very healthy and silky. Both of my parents are black and they have the same kind of hair.

I'm the kind of person that takes everything in stride. I don't mind if people ask me if I have weave (cuz sometimes I do, just to give my hair a rest from the flat iron and styling). Whenever they do ask me if I have weave and it's my real hair, I have no problem letting them touching it and finding out that my natural hair is silky.

My suggestion to you is to not let petty stuff get to you. Love your hair and treat it well. Not every black person knows how to take care of their hair in order to keep it healthy. That's why many say that their hair is unmanageable and nappy. If they knew what type of chemicals and products to put in their hair it would be soft and healthy.

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